Request for D214 Face Shields

Those interested in requesting PPE face shields produced by District 214 may follow the guidelines on this page. We ask that people please understand that the demand for PPE exceeds the supply or any one producer’s ability to fill. While District 214 is doing its part, we also are taking this opportunity to provide guidelines and resources for other school districts interested in joining production efforts and making additional PPE available.

To make a request, please complete our request form. Information needed includes name of organization, intended use of gear, numbers requested and contact information.

Updates on requests: PPE project managers will meet weekly to update inventory and make distribution decisions. Managers will once a week notify identified recipients.

Delivery time: The production process is now gearing up. The time between request confirmation and availability of the PPE gear will be a minimum of a few weeks. 

Pick up or delivery: We encourage those who are able to pick up the PPE to do so. District 214 will adhere to social distancing guidelines in facilitating the pick up of this gear. Anyone who requires delivery should indicate so in the “Notes” segment of the request form.